About US
The Montessori School of Baton Rouge is an early childhood, independent non-profit school enrolling 80 students ranging in age from 18 months to 6 years (toddler through kindergarten). We are accredited through the State Department of Education with certified Montessori teachers and classroom assistants committed to the children we serve. Our school features multi-age grouping, a focus on global education, and specially designed curriculum and classroom atmosphere that’s based on a deep understanding of human learning and development. We have a long, proud history of providing early childhood education for the Baton Rouge area. We use the Montessori method to teach our 80 young people how to become the best they can be.
Teacher Education
Montessori teachers design the classroom’s environment as well as incorporate specific materials that match each child’s interest and abilities. Everything is sized for the child and the teacher serves as a guide to offer the child stimulation through the work in the classroom.
Montessori teachers must be well prepared. They need to have a deep understanding of human design, learning environment development, and how learning takes place. They need excellent communication skills and need to be committed to reflection and inquiry. Montessori teachers support their children as wise guardians who see themselves as questioners and explorers.